About Us

Affordable living spaces 


Like many other families, we were very concerned about having to pay expensive care home fees which would rapidly deplete our savings. There had to be a better solution such as an affordable living space. 

The concept was born – we set about creating an additional living space within our garden, close to the house, where Granny could stay yet maintain her independence and quality of life. The carer would visit and Granny  could come in and out of the house as she liked. The grandchildren loved visiting Granny in her cosy cabin with all the mod cons. Granny loved having the company but also liked to maintain her privacy and independence in the cabin. It gave us all peace of mind. 

We created Songbird Spaces with the idea of helping other families in similar situations.

Our Backstory


Songbird was born out of the life experiences of two families each with ageing family members who were finding it increasingly more difficult to live in their own homes.

Following a life changing event, we realised that there was a need for an additional and affordable living space for a loved-one, however, we didn’t have any additional space within our own home. Moving to a care home was inappropriate and would have been expensive.

Our idea was to provide a living solution that would enable a good quality of life, with privacy and independence, whilst keeping our loved-one safe and close by. We recognised that we would all benefit greatly if Granny could stay close by.

We'd love to hear from you


Reach out to our Care Team who would be delighted to discuss your specific requirements and how we can help you, today.


Whatever your questions are from costs, finance, customisation, planning or delivery arrangements - just let us know and we'll be delighted to answer these for you.


Contact Us

Our registered address is:

Taymac Limited

71-75 Shelton Street,
